Maharana, BuluSahu, N. K.Deb, Ms. ArundhatiBhue, SibaMajhi, Sabitri2010-05-172010-05-172008-11-06978-81-902079-7-3 is one of the many new phenomena in the Web 2.0 environment. They are largely experimental, but some of them are very useful, well-designed and very popular. Google Maps is the most popular component of Mashups. Amazon, Yahoo! Maps, and photo-sharing site Flickr are also a source for many of the sites. The libraries have been well adapting to the emerging technologies to integrate contents and services in order to provide innovative services to the users. The paper defines Mashup and discusses its various aspects with specific reference to the libraries.enWeb 2.0MashupsGoogle MapsAPIRSSScreen ScrappingLibrary Mashups: Web 2.0 Tool for Integrating Contents and Services of LibrariesArticle