Siddiqui, SuboohiParamjeet, Kaur Walia2017-08-082017-08-082017-08978-93-81232-07-1 paper highlights the research paradigms in the field of Social Sciences based on the theses available in Shodhganga. The paper attempts to make a content analysis of Shodhganga online theses repository for exploring the coverage of Social Sciences as a subject to identify the research prospects in the field of Social Sciences. It reveals the Social Science content as being deposited by top contributing Universities in Shodhganga online theses repository in terms of theses content, topics covered, language wise theses and usage statics of the Social Science content.enResearch ParadigmsInstitutional RepositoryShodhgangaSocial SciencesResearch Paradigms in Social Sciences: A Case Study of ShodhgangaArticle