Kumar, P DharaniN, Gayathri K2011-03-072011-03-072011-03-02978-93-81232-00-2http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1620The portals are considered as the advanced tools of information retrieval where the information can be personalize, customize and integrate in a web based environment for the user’s individual preference. The present study focuses the issues related to designing of subject portal for biochemistry subject. Study outlines the guidelines for creating a web page and an attempt has been made to design a subject portal with having qualitative information with all the ease of learning. This paper also discusses the issues related to how to get free web space and hosting of subject portal and submission of portals to search engines. The URL of model Biochemistry subject portal in www.biochem-ku.webs.com.enSubject portalBiochemistryfree web spaceKuvempu UniversityDesigning and Development of Biochemistry Subject Portal using Bluevoda Web Building Software: A Practical ApproachArticle