Gogoi, SurajDas, Dhrubajit2014-09-242014-09-242014-09-22978-93-81232-04-0http://hdl.handle.net/1944/18339th Convention PLANNER-2014, Dibrugarh University, Assam, September 25-27, 2014It is a universal fact that information is necessary in every walk of human life. People are in the need of different types of information to meet day to day problems. Career and employment information is very much important for student community as it guides them towards career awareness. Now a days, every student talks about career and employment opportunities in their early college days. Career counseling plays a vital role among the students of rural degree colleges where they have no opportunity to go for professional career counselor. In this regard, Career Counseling Cell of the colleges should play a vital role. But in practice it is observed that the cell provides services on paper only. In most of the colleges, the cell exists only in the time of NAAC accreditation. This paper tries to explore the role of career counseling cell in the colleges of Dibrugarh District, Assam.enCareer and Employment InformationCareer Counseling CellRole of Career Counseling Cell in Enhancing Career and Employment Information Services in the Colleges of Dibrugarh District, AssamArticle