Singha, KrishnamatiShrivastava, V DSingha, Gouri2010-05-202010-05-202005-11-1081-902079-2-X management is the powerful tool for any organizational competitiveness. Knowledge is the heart of the organization. KM enhances productivity, effectiveness and efficiency in the aspect of operations and services. Knowledge is explicit and implicit in nature. This paper deals with knowledge explosion or generation, process and management for effective use of knowledge to end –users. With the introduction of ICT, knowledge has become more dynamic which instantly changes its direction and dimensions. As Library is the heart of any organization, with the introduction of ICT and Digital library concepts, libraries have moved from depository or warehouse to Knowledge centers, which preserve, classify and disseminate knowledge from creator to knowledge seeking community irrespective of location and distance.enKnowledge ManagementDigital LibraryEssence of Knowledge Management in Kibraries in Modern EraArticle