Rajasekar, VDhanakar, M ArulPandian, RMalliga, R2010-05-142010-05-142008-11-06978-81-902079-7-3http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1129Now a days all libraries follow open access system to promote the use of materials. Due to that there is a chance of missing and replacement of books in the libraries. This is increased in any type of libraries day by day. The traditional method of stock verification is not able to do the work in a systematic way. To over come this problem, RFID technology has been introduced in Anna University for management of library. This paper discusses the need for book checking and managing of library through RFID library management system in Anna University Library. This can be activated by using a new emerging technology known as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).enRFID LibraryRFID Management SystemRFID tags and RFID TechnologyRFID Technology in Anna University Library Management: A StudyArticle