Biradar, B SG, Swapna2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-02978-93-81232-01-9 Literacy (IL) is an essential requirement for students in higher education institutions. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education was produced and developed by Association of College and Research Library (ACRL) of United States in 2000. It consists of five standards and twenty two performance indicators. Present study focuses on IL competency among the Bioscience students of Kuvempu University. This paper highlights some of the important facets of IL such as student’s ability in determining and accessing the needed information, abilityto identify, select and evaluate information sources and ability to summarise, synthesis and validate information sources. Further to know student is ability in understanding economic, legal, social and ethical use of information.enInformation Literacy, ACRL, Bioscience Students, Kuvempu UniversityInformation Literacy Competency: A Study of Bioscience Students of Kuvempu UniversityArticle