Iroshini, NingombamSingh, Charoibam Ibohal2024-10-032024-10-032024-09-19978-93-81232-13-2 Convention PLANNER-2024 Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, September 19-21, 2024The paper assesses the role of local medical libraries in attaining the SDG-3, outlining various roles they performed towards realizing the health agenda. Following an exploratory approach and conducting an extensive review of related literature and personal interviews with professionals of leading medical libraries of Manipur: Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences (JNIMS), and Shija Academy of Health Sciences (SAHS), it attempts to trace their roles in achieving SDG-3. The study focussed on two research questions to be answered through a) a review of the past studies and b) an evaluation of the interview responses, which aims to reveal if the local libraries support the agenda of the UN-SDG:3 and if so, to what extent. However, as the analysis observations have revealed, more activities need to be executed by the medical libraries of Manipur to achieve the different targets of SDG-3. A local support system must be implemented to achieve these global goals.enSustainable Development,SDG-3,Medical Libraries,RIMS,JNIMS,SAHSLocal Support System for UN-SDG:3@Medical Libraries: An AssessmentArticle