Mistri, Shubhrangshu Kumar2012-04-202012-04-202012-03-03987-93-81232-02-6http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1715This paper gives a brief introduction about the archive and university archive. It also discusses the objectives, policies to be frame out, users’ category, and collection of archival material. By using ICT infrastructure and latest technology, archival materials are to be stored, organized, and preserved in digital format and made available to its end users for searching and browsing by introducing open source software, DSpace. It shows a comparison between university archive and institutional repositories for the purpose of developing a repositories or archives. It also gives some experiences for implementation of university archive at University of North Bengal.enArchival MaterialsArchiveArchivistDigital PreservationDSpaceICT InfrastructureInstitutional RepositoriesOpen Source SoftwareUniversity ArchiveThe Role of University Archive for Managing Archival Materials: A Case Study of University of North BengalArticle