Raja, Nalini A2012-04-202012-04-202012-03-03987-93-81232-02-6http://hdl.handle.net/1944/1706This paper is aimed at conducting pilot study for implementation of Smart Card Technology for access control to safeguard both physical and intellectual property; and cashless transaction at photocopying centre. The reports are compiled to monitor user behaviour, library traffic and actual use of library resources. The reports are reviewed for effective and efficient collection development, weeding out and library planning policies. SOUL 2.0 software is used for computerizing the library in-house activities. Smart card technology is integrated with SOUL 2.0 software for assigning the user rights as per their credentials for providing various services.enSmart Carde-purseAccess Control SystemSOUL 2.0Application of Smart Card Technology in The University of Mumbai Library to Monitor User Behaviour, Library Traffic, Library Planning, Physical Security and Managing E-purse for Cashless TransactionsArticle