Pradhan, PallabPanda, SarojChandrakar, Rajesh2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-02978-93-81232-01-9 study presents the trends in authorship pattern and author’s collaborative research in Indian chemistry literature with a sample of 53,977 articles downloaded from SCI-Expanded database in Web of Science during the period 2000-2009. The average number of authors per article is 3.55 %. In the study the degree of collaboration (C) during the overall 10 years (2000-2009) is 0.03, but the year wise degree of collaboration is almost same in all the years of mean value 0.97. In the 10 years of period, the multi authorship articles are higher and predominant on single authorship. The study found that the researchers in chemistry are keen towards teamresearch or group research rather than solo research.enChemistryAuthorship Pattern,Multi-authored,CollaborationAuthorship Pattern and Degree of Collaboration in Indian Chemistry LiteratureArticle