Prasad, G SivaRao, G A PrasdaRao, K Venkata2011-03-102011-03-102011-03-02978-93-81232-01-9 a study of 52 doctoral theses in Marine Geology submitted to Andhra University during the period 1954-2009. A total of 9,453 citations were analysed for identifying their bibliographic form, authorship pattern, ranking of cited journals and subject wise distributions of citations. The finding reveals that nearly 71.27% citations were from journals and 13.51% from books. The subject wise distribution of theses reveals that sedimentology, Geology, Marine Geology, Oceanography, Geochemistry and General Science and forms 73.16% more than half of the total theses submitted during the period. USA, India and UK are contributes 7875 (83.77%) citations. The authorship patter study reveals that the highest number of journal citations from multi authors nearly 73.7%.enCitation Analysis, Doctoral Theses, Marine GeologyCitation Analysis Of Doctoral Studies in Marine GeologyArticle