CALIBER 2005:Kochi

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    Towards The Design and Development of E-Books : An Experience
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Rajendran, P; Gopalakrishnan, S; Babu, B Ramesh
    This paper advocates a strategy to select PG level thesis materials based on their intellectual value, and to define technical requirements for retrospective conversion to digital form based on their informational content. Defining the conversion requirements the document attributes may be the guarantee of building digital collections with sufficient richness to be useful for the long-term. There are factors that are compelling towards conversion of digitized form.
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    Digital Libraries : A Boon for Information Seekers
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Shrivastava, Mridulata; Ingle, Chitra
    Now a days, people responsible for organization and dissemination of informations are steadily switching over from traditional means to electronic tools of documentation system. In this connection the developments in electronic technology, digital libraries have come in vogue to help and support the librarians and users. Digital libraries collect, store, organize and disseminate the information in digital format. This paper explains that how the digitization can help in providing accurate information timely and save time of users and space for data storage, i.e. the data and information specially required by the scientists and research scholars.
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    Role of Telecommunication and Networking Technology in the Development of Digital Libraries
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) P K, Mamata; Kumbargoudar, Praveen Kumar; Reddy, G Gopal
    Many observers have praised the Internet for its omnipresent nature and argued that this global medium is revolutionizing the nature of modern communications. The rise of the internet, is challenging the telecom infrastructure, management and accessibility in India. Telecom in developing countries faces a distinct challenge as compared to developed countries. As the Internet continues to grow, questions of accessibility and infrastructure equity persist. This paper provides an overview of the developments in telecommunications and networking in India.
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    Use of Information Sources in Digital Environment : A Case Study
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Rajeswari, D
    Rapid advances in information processing, storage and communication technologies have revolutionized a role of worldwide libraries in disseminating information services to their users. Libraries are consolidating their positions, building digital collections, redesigning their services and information products to add value to their services in order to satisfy changing information needs of users. In this research paper the author covers the profile of Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, objectives of the study, use of electronic resources by the faculty, research scholars and students, suggestions and findings. Further, studies and research are suggested in application and implications of e-classrooms, e-teaching and e-learning should be the source of knowledge in future.
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    Indian Academia on Copyright and IPR issues of Electronic Theses and Dissertations
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Vijayakumar, J K; Khan, M T M; Murthy, T A V
    The idea of E- Theses and Dissertations (ETD) is coming up in International scenario, which can be easily located, readily accessible and delivered over the web. This paper analyzing the opinions of selected Ph D Researchers and Guides from selected Indian Universities on Copyright and IPR issues related to ETDs. On the basis of the output, the paper suggests that Universities can start collecting e-format of theses, creating a digital archive for easy access. But in terms of access, still only a minimum majority is favoring online global access to Indian research. This may be because of Copy Right Issues, Chances of Plagiarism and Poor Quality in Research, which may be solved through policy frameworks and enhancing standards through national agencies like UGC at national level.
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    Transition in Information Services : A Digital Experience
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Accanoor, Kalyani
    Web based resources have become increasingly important to the Academic community where the thrust is on on-going Research, Time bound projects and Consultancy. With information being added at a tremendous rate on the Net it becomes difficult to find the required information easily. The expectations from the users are its services. From the library and the librarian’s point of view the services should reflect the users quest for information. Services are the strength of any Library as they are no longer mere store houses. Reference service is one service that still retains its content, glory and importance. Reference service concerns with the internal and external resources through the Internet and other networks. These services are provided not only personally but also through electronic means. Most users go for a Google search still thinking how could the search strategy be better. Most times the answers lie in their Libraries without them knowing. A module E-Ref Desk on the lines of Ask a Librarian is designed to answer such queries.
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    Security for Libraries in the Digital Networked Environment
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) K, Manoj Kumar; K M, Haneefa
    Libraries are using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for their operations and services by making huge investments and spending vast amounts of staff time for the selection, acquisition, retrieval, and dissemination of digital information. But the proliferation of computers, widespread acceptance of computer networks, explosive growth of Internet, increased reliance on electronic databases and the move from dedicated mainframe environments to client-server environments make libraries vulnerable to security threats. The moment user connects the computer to a Network or Internet, is the moment that the security of data has been compromised. Even the most secure systems, shepherded by the most intelligent and able system administrators, and employing the most up-to-date, tested software available are at risk every day. It is very essential to take all measures to protect the ICT infrastructure from security threats. However, libraries are lagging behind in realizing the need to protect their ICT resources and services from misuse, damage, theft, sabotage, mistake, etc. This paper deals with the issues related to the security of libraries in the present digital networked environment and makes recommendations for protecting ICT resources and services. The paper discusses security risks, strategies for security, security policy, personnel security, physical security, software security, network security, Internet security, access control, protection against computer viruses, protection of public terminals and backup information. This paper also discusses the need for professional assignments for library security and the importance of security training for library professionals.
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    Potential Role of Subject Gateways, Portals and OPAC’s in Electronic Journals Access
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Prakash, K; Murthy, T A V; Cholin, V S
    Outlines the access methods and new technologies in accessing local and global electronic resources in the libraries. The subject gateways, portals, search engines and Library OPAC’s (Online Public Access Catalog) are an important method of providing current and reliable information in a variety of disciplines and research areas. This paper describes various access points that disseminate information to researchers, librarians, and other web users in the various disciplines. Summarizes some of the issues, and explore the potential role of World Wide Web portals in helping library consortia to fulfill their objectives. At the end the paper highlights the importance of portal service to the Indian academic community in the light of UGC-Infonet E-Journals consortium.
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    UGC-Infonet E-Journals Consortium an Indian Model Bridging the Gap between Scholarly Information and End User
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Murthy, T A V; Chauhan, Suresh K; Cholin, V S; Patil, Raghavendra
    Any educational system must have to depend on authentic, factual, fast and up to date information. Indian educational system is one of the largest in all over the world but due to financial limitations large number of libraries have not been able to subscribe to quite a good number of journals required for research and academic community, University libraries could play a major role to further improve the status of higher education system of India. After analyzing the situation the University Grants Commission initiated two important projects viz. UGC-Infonet providing connectivity to universities and UGC-Infonet, E-Journals Consortium to provide scholarly access to electronic journals and databases. Probably this is the golden era in the history of higher education system in India. The total program is funded by UGC and ERNET (Education and Research Network) has been entrusted to establish infrastructure within member universities on a turn key basis and the overall monitoring and execution of the project is being done by INFLIBNET. Through this program large number of e-resources subscribed and provided access to faculty and research scholars working in universities. To make people aware about the use of e-resources good number of user awareness training programs and also conducted 5 national seminars at five different places. Usage statistics provided by different publishers are also very interesting and encouraging.
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    Familiarity and Use by the Students’ of Digital Resources Available in Familiarity and Use by the Students’ of Digital Resources Available in University of Isfahan(MUI), Iran
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02)
    An attempt has been made to determine the present status of familiarity and use of Digital resources. It was felt that use of digital resources is still poor among the medical students of the Universities in the developing countries. This paper presents survey to investigate the familiarity and use of Digital resources by students through online and offline Information Databases of the Central Library, “Central Library Books & Journals Database (CLBJD), and the CD-ROMs databases available in the academic libraries (MUI). The subjects of this study were the students of the Isfahan Medical University. For evaluating study questions and data collection, the questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 250 students. The result of this survey are presented and discussed in the paper.
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    Is the Big Deal Mode of E-Journal Subscription a Right Approach for Indian Consortia ? A Case Study of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect Use at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Singh, Yogendra; Murthy, T A V
    Big deal or the consortia site licensing is the most preferred way of e-journal subscription for Indian Consortia be it INDEST or the UGC Infonet. In the big deal model all the journals published by a publisher or hosted by an aggregator on its web site are made available to the consortia members at a so called “highly reduced” price. It has been seen that the librarians throughout the world haves been raising objections to this mode since beginning. There are various concerns which have been identified such as monopoly of the publishers, use of a limited number of titles, effect of citation ranking of journals published by the small publishers and the fear of death of journals published by the developing countries. Though a number of articles have been published on this topic but most of them have been on the qualitative aspects of such deals. There are a few studies that have been conducted on quantitative aspects. In this paper a study of use of Elsevier’s ScienceDirect at IIT Roorkee has been presented which clearly shows that a very limited number of titles are frequently used in the Institute. This data clearly indicates that the Big Deal mode of subscription is not at all in the favour of the consortia. Supports an alternate model for subscription which should be based on the fixed fee access to the limited set of journals which are frequently used and pay for use for the journals which are less frequently used.
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    Student’s Perceptions Toward the Use of the Digital Library for Higher Learning
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Manoharan, A; Deepa, T; Vasanthi, M Anu
    This study attempted to investigate students’ perceptions toward the use of the digital library for higher learning. Attention was given to three variables namely sex, year of study, level of course. A Likert – type instrument consisting of 10 items was designed to collect information about students perceptions. The respondents of this study were 72 students enrolled in various Post-graduate courses at Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli. Collected data were analysed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). The overall results suggest that students had positive perceptions toward the use of digital library. Sex, year and level of course were found to be significant factors. Females, first year students and social science students had significantly positive perceptions. Implications for practices are discussed and recommendations are made for future research.
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    An Improved Hybrid Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Kamalakkannan, V; Karthikeyani, V; Krishnan, A
    A novel routing scheme for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which combines the ondemand routing capability of Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a distributed topology discovery mechanism using ant-like mobile agents is proposed in this paper. The proposed hybrid protocol reduces route discovery latency and the end-toend delay by providing high connectivity without requiring much of the scarce network capacity. On the one side the proactive routing protocols in MANETs like Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) require to know, the topology of the entire network. Hence they are not suitable for highly dynamic networks such as MANETs, since the topology update information needs to be propagated frequently throughout the network. These frequent broadcasts limit the available network capacity for actual data communication. On the other hand, on-demand, reactive routing schemes like AODV and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), require the actual transmission of the data to be delayed until the route is discovered. Due to this long delay a pure reactive routing protocol may not be applicable for real-time data and multimedia communication. Through extensive simulations in this paper it is proved that the proposed Ant-AODV hybrid routing technique, is able to achieve reduced end-to-end delay compared to conventional ant-based and AODV routing protocols.
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    Library Portal : A Knowledge Management Tool
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Jotwani, Daulat
    Describes the pivotal role being played by the Central Library, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in supporting its march towards its vision. The library has applied knowledge management practices in organizing and providing the seamless access to the knowledge resources to help users, and in doing so has acquired core competencies in several areas. Discusses the critical factors for success of knowledge management in the library, viz., knowledge resources, knowledge (dissemination) services, human resources, sustained strategic commitment, and technology. The library portal has been described as the most popular form of the technology that provides networked information about library’s collections, digital resources, web sites, and services. Explains in detail the salient features of the library portal of IIT Bombay to provide single window shopping for users. Underlines the need for an aggregator to facilitate broadcast searching across databases and search engines. Concludes that the knowledge management technologies have helped the Central Library, IIT Bombay to systematically synchronize all the critical components and to serve its users more effectively and efficiently, and thus to contribute to organizational goals.
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    Building Up Digital Resources for Effective E-learning Programmes
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Devi, T Rama
    Today on line education using computer-mediated communication to connect the learners and the instructors via the Internet (asynchronous learning networks) is more effective. Online queries are more in use than the traditional class tests. Tutorials conucted in traditional ways are all replaced by audio-visual conferences, e-mail, chat, listservers, news groups, simulations and guest chat on the Internet. Thus new learning modes and media is being initiated for enhancement of quality. The present paper discusses about the concept of digital library and building up of digital resources collection for effective E-Learning programmes. The importance of digitized grey literature collection to enhance the quality of e-learning programmes is highlighted. The digital exposition is a remedial answer by the little screen but extensive knowledge becomes positive and possible through a resourceful digital database.
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    Digital Libraries and Open Source Software
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Naik, Umesha; Shivalingaiah, D
    Open source software (OSS) is popular with technically sophisticated users, who are often also the software developers, and has not yet made a significant impact on the desktop of most users. OSS has much potential for libraries and information centres, and there are a number of projects, including Greenstone, DSpace and Ganesha, etc that demonstrates its viability in this context. OSS is becoming an increasingly popular software development method. This paper highlights what is an OSS, its features, software licensing, advantages and disadvantages. The paper also highlights the features, functions and use of three popular digital libraries software viz. Greenstone, DSpace and Ganesha.
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    Digital Library Management in German University Libraries : The Bochum Perspective
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Lapp, Erda
    The presentation demonstrates cooperative approaches in the field of digital library development in Germany from the perspective of Bochum University Library. It demonstrates the integrated OPAC, the regional union catalog, a search engine for national/international catalog resources, solutions for accessing international periodicals titles in printed and in electronic form, a database of databases, a regional digital library and further relevant national initiatives. The paper argues for teaching information competence, for integrating e-learning and e-publishing into the library’s information architecture and for international cooperation to further enhance information products and services.
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    Legal Text Retrieval and Information Services in Digital Era
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Bhardwaj, Raj Kumar
    India being a huge country by population has lots of court judgments available on print format to various law libraries of the country. Keeping in view the user demand into the library, this article touches the need for computerized legal text retrieval and information services for providing effective services to the users. Part of the discussion in this paper is the process of legal text retrieval that includes search file, search strategies and legal metadata, where search strategies include constructing a search request with the use of boolean operators. Problems of synonyms and homonyms are also covered in this article and in the end the legal information services in modern era are discussed which include online and offline databases.
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    Institutional E-Print Repositories for Schorarly Communication : Issues and Implications
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Maharana, B; Choudhury, B K; Pradhan, D K; Pathy, S K
    Institutional e-print repositories offer a strategic response to systematic problems in the existing scholarly journal system and distribution of research output by making faster communication and transformation of scholarly information over the long run. This paper introduces e-print archives in general and institutional repositories in particular. The article also discusses the purpose, architecture, elements, and issues of institutional repositories. A guideline for the design of institutional archive has also been discussed. A detailed list of major institutional archives has been presented.
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    Web Services and Interoperability : Security Challenges
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-02-02) Sharma, S K; Sharma, G K; Srivastava, P N
    The Web services framework intends to provide a standards-based realization of the serviceoriented architecture (SOA) over Internet, which has emerged in response to a fundamental shift from program-to-consumer (B2C) to program-to-program (B2B) interactions. Fully Interconnected enterprises are being replaced by business networks in which each participant provides the others with specialized services. This new service architecture defines a set of requirements that distinguish SOA from other services architecture. Security and Web services are consistently reported among the top technologies of interest to business. Concerns about the security technology are major deterrent to companies considering use of the technology. This paper attempts to explain the new Web Services security and mentions the main initiatives and their respective specifications.