Building A Digital Library
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The idea of converting library materials into digital format for creating digital collections has
advanced rapidly in the last few years, thus leading to the concept of a digital library. A
digital library is a library that contains materials in digitized form or access to internal or
external digital resources. Digital information resources include not only rapidly growing
collection of electronic full text resources, but also images, video, sound, and even objects
of virtual reality. The most important component of a digital library is digital collection it
holds or has access to. A digital library can have a wide range of resources. A digital library
is not a single entity although it may have digital contents created in-hourse or acquired in
digital formats stored locally on servers. A digital library may also act a portal site providing
access to digital collections held elsewhere. The digital imaging technology offers a number
of choices that can be adopted to translate from print to digital. Digital conversion process
includes Document, Data Capture, Data Processing, Storage, Indexing and retrieval. Dublin
Core standard is adopted internationally to create Meta data of digital resources. The advent
of the Internet acted as catalyst for Digital Library initiatives. Digital library environment is
the context of rapidly charging computer and communication technology. This paper explains
digitization methods, process of digitization and tools required for digitization.
Digitization, Digital Library, Electronic Library, Dublin Core