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    Finding the Hidden Treasure : A Study On Patent Searching
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Bhangale, Manish; Shrivastava, V D
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    Wireless Network: Standards and Its Applications
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Gonsai, Atul M.; Soni, Nilesh N.
    This paper presents wireless networking scenario with standards & Applications for its implementation. Wireless LAN is needed for the organizations & libraries for unlimited access to their wired LAN. This WLAN set up provides various ways to setup network as the need of libraries and without disturbing the existing network setup of wired network. This paper discusses the wireless network with various standards which is developed by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). These standards explain the need and use of wireless connectivity speed ranging from 11Mbps to 54 Mbps with security and quality of service concept. The paper also discusses WLAN implementation with some example to demonstrate the effective use for newer and current needs like mobility and speed with cost consideration. The paper’s focus is WLAN & its Applications for various implementations. The benefited group for this paper is network administrators & management people of any organization and also the librarians.
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    Web-Based Library Services
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Bhatnagar, Anjana
    The emergence of the World Wide Web (WWW) and Internet as a new media of information storage and delivery provide an unparalleled media for delivery of information with greater speed and economy. The web technology and Internet has changed the way of information is stored, retrieved and communicated in the libraries. As more libraries move towards providing their services in a digital environment, the improved access to remote library collections is making the use of electronic information resources more realistic and more attractive. The paper explores what are web based services, why it is necessary and why it is so popular among users, with their advantages and disadvantages. Different web based resources have been highlighted. Future and conclusion have also discussed in the last.
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    Usage of Electronic Journals Under UGC Infonet E-Journal Consortium in North Eastern University Libraries
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Chand, Prem; Murthy, T A V; Chandel, A S
    The rapid development of the Internet during the 1990s has opened up a new possibility where traditional print journals are being replaced by, or at least supplemented by, the electronic journals. Low library budget and increasing cost of subscription are some of the important factors for shift from print media to electronic one This paper discusses the role of UGC-Infonet in promotion of E-journals in the country through E-journal consortium. Highlights that the usage of E-journals is much below the expected target by the Universities of North East which have been given access to E-journals. This has been supported by usage statistics by these five universities.
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    Training and Support to Users/Staff for Optimum Use of Library Resources : A Case of Centre On Rural Documentation (CORD)
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Devi, T. Rama
    The great libraries of the future are not those with great collections but those with great staff, knowledge must be rediscovered in the library before it is used (Lowry, 1991). The trained and dedicated librarian would act as an intermediary in this rediscovery process. The paper highlights the efforts made by CORD, NIRD to identify the information needs of the users, barriers in accessing information, best practices for effective use of information etc were discussed in an open form consisting of working librarians, faculty, experts, library staff etc. to find solutions for the optimum use of Library Resources. Further emphasised the importance of training for the staff/users to serve the user community by using latest technologies, in the similar lines the users also get trained to tap the resources available internally and Globally. For this purpose CORD is conducting three training programmes in an year for the staff and three for the users in this direction.
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    Spam : A Threat to Network Security in Digital Library and Information Centres
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Choudhury, Subhajit; Dey, Biswanath; Kumar, S.
    The paper introduces with a brief history of spam. Defines the term spam as Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. The trick of spam operators. Enlightens with some tips of Spam handling. It also describes various tools of spam and a through investigation of spam filtering, its importance, and available software that can help for spam filtering and information security in an information system. Lastly, the importance of anti-spam filtering to libraries and information centres have been discussed. Concludes with suggestion for using anti-spam software.
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    Sharing E-journals in Consortia Environment : Development in Digital Era
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Mudhol, Mahesh V; N., Vasanth
    Due to the increase in cost of e journals, the library professionals have initiated the sharing resources in cooperative acquisitions, document delivery and inter library loans. The paper highlights the importance of library consortia in this digital era stating its salient features and pricing models. This paper also discusses about the FORSA and INDEST Consortium.
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    Role of E-Journals Consortium in 21st Century
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Prakash, A Jaya
    Libraries play a very important role in this fast changing e-environment of publishing. Their role includes identification of selection of information, its organization of management, storage retrieval and dissemination to right users at the right time at right place at right price and in right format. The goal of any academic libraries is to meet the teaching, research and other information needs of the user. The proliferation of the literature on all the subjects, price of journals hike in currency conversion rate and the budget crunch made the libraries depend upon each other. This leads to library co-operation, resource sharing and networks etc. At present the online databases, E-journals facilitate formation of the consortia at resource sharing among the libraries. Consortia prove to be one of the major solutions to the existing problems of budget crunches among the libraries and information centers. The advent of E-publishing has brought a revolution in journal publication, subscription and access delivery mechanism. The paper discuses the necessisity increasing the information resources in electronic form to meet the current demand of academic libraries and institutions at affordable cost and also discuses need and importance of E-journal consortium and resource sharing among libraries and information centers.
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    Risk Management: It’s Implications for Library and Information Centres
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Natarajan, M.
    The development and dissemination of information in various forms and media on a local, national and international level has envisaged the librarians to be advocative in all means of information service provided from their libraries. Higher education is experiencing a dramatic influx with a new generation of faculty with different sources of information. This article deals with the definition of risk management and identification of the various areas of risks in library environment. The applications of risk management in libraries start from the collection development, through publishers / vendors for different types of documents. The different types of risk include:  Assessing the organization  Collection management  Access rights by the users  Scholarly communication  Risks associated with the migration  Consortia  Staff training and recruitment  Preservation  Use of technology by the students, faculty and library staff. The strategies for managing the risks are explained for the following:  By having discussions, group meetings, etc, the information requirements of users, faculty and students can be found;  Communicating with other agencies like library schools, professional associations for finding out the latest syllabus, in order to develop the content accordingly.  Detailed discussion with publishers / vendors for collection management covering all aspects of the future needs /demands / changes;  For collecting the resources from external sources, resource sharing and access to the databases along with Internet;  Consortium approach for collection development, content management, information services and preservation;  Hiring staff with competitive skills and also develop skills for the existing staff, by providing in-house training; and  Preservation aspect could be resolved by consortia approach by discussing the formats, storage medium, software availability, upgradation of hardware, etc. The author concluded that the library professionals should take all precautions of risk management and provides risk free managerial services to the users on time.
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    Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Findings, Data Analysis and Discussions
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Munshi, M Nasiruddin
    This paper discusses the current trends of library and information products and services in Bangladesh with reference to country’s leading special and specialized academic libraries. Identifies the present status of library’s information products and services and their marketing strategies, and measures the attitudes of librarians/information professionals towards profitmaking activities in libraries. Highlights the information needs and information seeking behaviour of academic community, scientists, specialists, researchers as well as administrators of the organizations and from outside the organizations.
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    Managing and Handling Electronic Journals : Some Issues
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Bist, Rajender Singh
    Libraries are moving rapidly towards the electronic method of storage and retrieval. Electronic journals are being added to the Library collections at exponential rates. Today ejournals offer flexibility and recent developments have enhanced the visibility of these by integrating all journal titles in any format. Individual libraries today are facing issues to make these e-journals accessible to users and consortia based subscriptions to e-journals has developed as a viable solution for increased access, with some cost savings. This calls for handling and management of e-journal subscriptions. This paper outlines some of the processes of handling and managing e-journals in individual libraries as well as Consortium.
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    Management of E-Resources in the Modern Library Information System : An Outlook
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Devi, Thoudam Suleta; Devi, Keisham Sangeeta
    The advent of IT has made a clear and pervasive impact in almost every area of library services. As such, the library environment has undergone a rapid changes leading to new generation of libraries with an emphasis on e- resources. Moreover, as the popularity of eresources increases, the librarians and staff are also concerned about e-resources, their methods accessing, evaluation, selection, organization etc. The present paper is an aim to know how to manage e-resources in the modern LIS for better digital information services and challenges facing with e-resources.
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    Library Portals: A Report
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Maheta, Mahendra; Jani, Jay
    With the growing acceptance of web portals on university campuses, many librarians are considering building library portals to make their collections accessible to users who expect all knowledge to be obtainable with just a few clicks from inside a web browser. After all, the World Wide Web has become the marketplace for documents, goods, services, and ideas. For many people, especially students, if something is not on the web, it does not exist. This trend is especially challenging for libraries, which are the traditional keepers of knowledge but whose knowledge is largely kept in many millions of books and journalsnot on the web. The idea of a library portal is misdirected. While it is vital that libraries have a presence on university enterprise portals, libraries should build portal pages, portal channels, and portal cameos rather than entire library portals.
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    Issues in UGC-Infonet E-Journal Consortium
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-10-10) Devi, Thiyam Satyabati; Murthy, T.A.V.
    Library consortia for purchasing electronic journals became recognized as a vital part of academic information infrastructure at the research community. The biggest challenge that newcomers to the consortium world face is grasping the fact that standard setting is about giving away rights in technology. Leading institutions in North America and Western Europe take a variety of positive measures to promote consortium activities and formed unique consortia of many kinds. On the other hand, a consortium in India is still in a developing stage and struggle to solve problems they face. The factors that have led to the development of consortia are diverse among countries. This paper describes definitions, aim, organizations, internal structures, policies and other characteristics of the UGC-Infonet E-Journal Consortium which is one of the well known consortia for Higher Education in India under the UGC. It will also highlight the characteristics and issues faced by the consortia and the measures taken up to promote consortium activities.
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    Homepages of Indian Universities Websites : A Study
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Chandrashekara, M.; Kumar, M. Nandish
    The rapid development of information and communication technology has made it very easy to access information through varies channels of communication. Website is such a medium wherein one can find all kinds of information relating to his area of interest. Universities are the pillars of any socity.They are the one who imparting higher Education for larger socity.Websites are mirrors of the universities. thus it should contain all sorts of information including course offered, Universities achievement, Contact addresses, etc.In keeping all this point the investigators felt that a systematic study of the homepage is required for more than one reason. Firstly, such a study would give an idea about the content, scope, coverage and depth of information provided in the homepages of Indian universities. Secondly, a study of the nature would help the prospective design of university websites regarding the kind of information that should be made available in a websites.
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    E-Journal Management in Academic Libraries with Special Reference to INDEST Consortia in India
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Thamaraiselvi, G; Kaliammal, A.
    In the Academic and research libraries, the long-term preservation and management of digital collections is the most important issue. In certain ways, digital materials are incredibly fragile, dependent for their continued utility upon technologies that undergo rapid and continual change. Keeping and managing the e-journal resources accessible for use by future generations will require conscious effort and continual investment. No library is self sufficient to purchase all the books, Journals and other library documents with in their library budget. So customers belonging to different academic institutions or university may purchase e-journals and sharing its cost through consortia. This paper explains the terms and definitions of Electronic Journals (e-journals), followed by the aims and objectives of the e-journal purchase and management. Also the issues in archiving and preserving the back issues of the e-journals, the initiatives taken in archiving them and the role of e-journal agents in purchasing and managing them are discussed. The purchase and management of e-journals through Consortia and the various consortium efforts taken in India with special reference to INDEST consortia also have been explained in this paper.
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    E-Journals for Academic Community in Indian Scenario
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Sridevi, J.; Satyanarayana, N. R.; Murthy, T. A. V.
    In the present digital era, dissemination of e- information, e- resources to the scholastic society and community has become an important task though information is transmitted through various media such as periodicals, serials, journals, databases, etc. In this article we come across the importance of dissemination of information through e- resources to the academic community and the steps taken for the promotion of e- journals and e- resources in India by the reputed organizations like UGC, INFLIBNET, CSIR, HELINET, FORSA, IGCAR, JCCC & VIC, INDEST, SONET, OUHYD Math Consortium etc. Reflecting upon the fast development of electronic journals, there is no doubt that electronic journals open up many exciting service opportunities for academic libraries though this technology possesses both advantages and disadvantages.
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    E-Journal Management: The Role of Training in the Effective Use of Electronic Journals
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) K., Vishala B.; Bhandi, M. K.
    Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information” – American Literacy Association, Presidential committee on information Literacy final Report 1989. Online access to scholarly scientific content is growing, Electronic journals (e-journals), in particular is an increasing important resource for research and academic community and plays a significant role in scholarly communication. Library and information professionals and end-users will have to develop learning attitude and network related competencies to reap the benefits being made available to us by the information and communication technologies. The paper emphasizes the role of training and awareness programme, both for staff and users of the library for ensuring effective use of electronic journals.
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    Development of Consortial Approach and Resource Sharing in Higher Education Lirbaries With Special Reference to India
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Singh, Yogendra
    This paper mainly traces the historical development of consortia based library services. States that the consortial approach in the form of cooperation was initiated by Melvil Dewey in 1880s. Main factors behind such cooperation are outlined. States that like any other form of library services consortia were also first came into existence in the United States where by the year 1970 more then 125 academic library consortia were functional. Finds that now the trend has changed and consortia are coming up in developing countries also mainly for the acquisition of electronic resources. Briefly touches the history of consortial development in India where it had not been very successful mainly due to human reasons. Describes in details the two recently formed consortia in India i.e. INDEST and E-journal Consortium of UGC Infonet. Describes the pros and cons of the present model of subscription to full set of journals of publishers in the form of so called “Big Deals” and advises that these big deals may not be really big in many cases. Outlines some of the guidelines for the librarians in these conditions. Concludes that the consortia in the country should work in close cooperation and not in competition to each other.
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    Consortium based Library Subscription : Some Issues
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2005-11-10) Dhiman, Anil Kumar
    The academic environment is becoming more and more competitive in its dealings and functions and the academic culture is fast transforming as enterprising in nature. The library as the centre for scholarly communication faces many challenges in meeting needs of its users. Among the solutions used in libraries in providing information, an access strategy through web is very much requested by modern users. As such, now-a-days, the consortiumbased library purchasing is getting favour. This paper discusses some of the problematic issues in consortium – based library subscription