Digitisation of Libraries and Manpower Issues In The Indian Context
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ICTs have been adopted by libraries in India as and when they are evolved. The transformation of
some traditional libraries into hybrid libraries has been gradual, but with little jerks as well. The
paper stresses that ICTs are inevitable for a modern library in a networked global information
society. This paper also raises some is sues, particularly the ones concerning human resources,
faced by Indian libraries in various stages of transformation. Libraries in India are now faced with
issues concerning the most critical resource in management, viz. the human resource. From poorly
organised collections managed by non-professionals to modern networked libraries managed by
professionals, and libraries falling somewhere between the two extremes, India has all types and
levels of libraries. With a large number of libraries still tradit ional, some automated, and only a
few having digital collections, manpower issues in case of Indian libraries are diverse and
Many university and special libraries have completed to a larger extent their automation processes,
and are also networked. This paper highlights the problems faced by librarians in modernising
their libraries and digitizing their collections. Public libraries seem to have been left behind as far
as adoption of ICTs and modernisation of libraries is concerned. In the absence of clear-cut policy
and guidelines for networking, and digitization of libraries, and the provision of electronic library
services, library authorities and professionals are facing a lot of problems. The paper points out
that in India there is also a contradiction regarding employment scenario in libraries. On the one
hand there are many libraries which don't have a qualified professional librarian, and on the other
there are inadequate employment opportunities for the very large number of qualified bachelors'
and masters' degree holders in library and information science. This situation has implications for
teachers in library and information science for updating the syllabi of existing courses and
introducing new need based short-term courses to strengthen the existing professionally qualified
The paper lays emphasis on developing policy drafts for library and information services in the
country in the context of digitization and global electronic village. Particular emphasis must be
laid down in the policy on issues concerning manpower. Since government agencies have not
done much regarding policy issues, concerned professional associations and organisations should
take up the initiative in this regard. The paper concludes with the hope that in the near future,
library associations and organisations shall play proactive and assertive roles so that some of the
issues currently faced by the profession are sorted out.
This is only an Abstract
Digitization, ICTs, Collection, Libraries