Mapping the Contribution of ETDs to Shodhganaga by the North East Universities in LIS Research
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INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar
Nowadays, ETDs stands for Electronic Thesis and Dissertation are widely used by the faculty
and scholars’ community. With the invention of open access, sharing and accessing information
has become more frequent in digital environment. Every year institutions are generating lot
of research report in various field of study across the world, but the access to those research
report is limited. To solve this problem the concept of ETDs came into light, with the help of
Open Access initiative nowadays, all the intuitions are supporting free access and
dissemination of research output to end users. ETDs facilitates the scholars with new ideas of
research and innovation. This study analyses the contribution of ETDs on Shodhganga made
by the North East (NE) Sate and Central Universities. The study thoroughly examines the
Shodhganga website to get clear picture of the status of ETDs in India. The study also focused
on finding out the growth LIS-ETDs in North East State and Central Universities. The findings
of the study revealed that total 16455 number of ETDs were contributed by the selected
universities of NE as of 1 August 2023. It is important for University Authorities and Librarian
to understand the potential of ETDs in growth and development of innovative ideas in research
and to achieve academic success. The study also found out that the contribution of ETDs in
the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) by the NE universities are very low.
Furthermore, the study also depicts that research scholars of NE are very much aware of
ETDs on Shodhganga and frequently use the ETDs available on Shodhganga for their research
work. They are highly satisfied with the use of Shodhganga, however, a good number of
research scholars mentioned insufficient terminal is a problem, they face while accessing
26th International Symposium, ETD 2023, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 26-28 October, 2023
Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD), INFLIBNET, Institutional Repositories, IR@INFLIBNET, North East Universities, Research Scholars, Shodhganga