Role of Data Mining and Data Warehousing for Future Libraries
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INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad
Libraries generate, accumulate, and disseminate information to its readers and users in
the desired format and at the desired location. The process of using library data more
effectively begins by discovering ways to connect the sources of data created by
Libraries. The concept of data warehousing and data mining can assist library
management in making decisions and setting policies, and can assist the library’s parent
organization or community in understanding the information needs of its members. Data
mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it
into useful information. Data mining provides knowledge by uncovering valuable
information that can be used for various purposes in different areas of applications.
Using various techniques of data mining such as association rules, decision trees, and
cross tabulation can help discover this unused information. The scope of this paper is to
discuss the role and importance of data warehousing and data mining in making the
libraries of the future. This paper first discusses the concept of data warehousing, its
characteristics, and its uses. Further, the paper also discusses the concept of data
mining and its use in library and information services.
This is only an Abstract
Libraries Generate, Library Management