CALIBER 2015: Shimla,HP
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Item What EDINA Does: Ensuring Ease & Continuity of Access(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Burnhill, PeterItem Use of Google Amongst Research Scholars in Sciences(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Joshi, TarunaThe present article presents select results of a survey of science researchers of three central universities in Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.Item Technology Readiness For Library Automation(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Jaroliya, Deepak; Jaroliya, Pragya; Sharma, DharmendraThere is no doubt that there exist a relationship between technology and growth.Many researchers have emphasized that the acquisition of technological capability in educational institutions and nations in East Asia helps the min growing and sustaining their economies. Successful implementation of integrated automation software in universities/educational institutions could be an initiative in this direction. In educational institutions and universities, automation of libraries is very important for the sharing of knowledge. Usually, the automation and digitization of library take one or more years to implement and many institutions prefer outsourcing as it allows them to use the latest technology, expertise and service value at competitive costs. There exist many problems in implementing such software that includes lack of technological capability, complacency, lack of data and information flow, and mistrust. A number of studies have been conducted on the above mentioned parameters, however the key i.e. “readiness of software users” has not been studied a lot especially in Indian context, which is very crucial for the success or acceptance of technological advancement. Thus, the present study analyzes the technology readiness amongst the various stakeholders like faculty, students and library staff in educational institutions for the automation and digitization of library.Item Shodhganga and Deterring Plagiarismin Research Outputs in Indian Universities(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) K, Manoj Kumar; Arora, JagdishTheses and dissertations are known to be the rich and unique source of information, often the only source of research work that does not find its way into various publication channels. The INFLIBNET Centre is entrusted with the responsibility of hosting, maintaining and making the digital repository called "Shodhganga" accessible to all institutions and universities. It is envisaged that the ShodhGanga would overcome serious problem of duplication of research and poor quality resulting from the "poor visibility" and the "unseen" factor in research output. In order to increase quality of research, plagiarism is to be checked before accepting the content in theses and dissertations. Under Shodhganga project, Two plagiarism detection software tools, namely “iThenticate” and “Turnitin”, are being made accessible to 110 universities with funds made available by the University Grants Commission. This paper discusses the model introduced in India for creation of a central repository of theses and dissertations, its current status, guidelines for submission of these, deterring plagiarism under the Shodhganga initiative, criteria adopted by the INFLIBNET Centre for selection of plagiarism detection platform, analysis of usage, recommendation of formulating policies and guidelines to check plagiarism in universities, future plans etc.Item Role of Library and Information Professionals in Web 3.0 Era(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Warrier, Nirupama; Shivarama, J; Angadi, MallikarjunThere has been a definite transition in the nature of Librarianship or LIS Professionals over the recent years, the main reason being the technological advances which have influenced the field of Library and Information Sciences. Along with the changing nature of libraries, the job profile and responsibilities of the librarians or LIS Professionals have also changed manifold. In the changing times it has become necessary for the librarians to equip themselves with the upcoming and reigning technologies to remain relevant and to provide the required service to their potential users as well as actual users. This paper attempts to portray the various aspects of Web 3.0 and semantic web technologies and describes the changing role of the LIS professional in the present scenario.Item Rethinking Metadata: Semantic Proposal for Future(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Das, Rajarshi; Bhushan, Vikas; Shee, Sudipta; Mondal, SantuThis paper starts with describing Metadata and subsequently proposes a linked open metadata model which can unearth vast firsthand knowledge hidden in the deep layer of various libraries of the world. The benefit of the model can be multipronged. It can help generate new knowledge as in many cases of cultural artifacts we do not have any account which describe the same except for the metadata that attaches with it.Metadata can also be tailor made to serve the purpose of distant reading of large corpus of literary resources of human civilization. Finally vernacular metadata schema can help in spreading knowledge while serving community information requirement.Item New Big Things in Era of Digital Data: ‘Big Data’& Big Data Challenges with its Solution Using Different Tools(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Gondaliya, Tapan P; Joshi, Hiren D; Joshi, Hardik JOne of the new technologies recently evaluated is called the ‘Big Data”. Now a day’s in this digital data era everything is digital like an e-library, e-mail, e-shopping, e-ticket, e-payment, e-governance and many more. People used more and more websites for entertainment like a facebook, twitter, and youtube for video, photos, twits, and data downloads as well as uploads on the internet. Internet has stored a massive amount of data or information that is in the zeta or in Exabyte’s it is nothing but the Big Data. According to IDC in future the growth of data will never stop and it will become in 7910 Exabyte’s in end of year 2015. Big Data is basically in the format of uncompressed data so it is very large, complex and difficult to process in traditional data processing application. So in this kind of massive dataset it’s very difficult to visualize, analyze, search, storage and transfer the data for any of the organization or company. And these are the biggest challenges for big company to how to solve this kind of problem. Behind this paper our main motive is to describe the reality of big data, how can different big data with the traditional database, what are the different types of big data, characteristic of big data and in actual how its work with different tools and technology and how company can face these big challenges using these tools. Here we also describe the comparative study of different tools that is basically used for analyze, visualize, store and transfer a big data.Item Managing Research Data in Academic Institutions:Role of Libraries(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Dora, Mallikarjun; Kumar, H AnilOne of the global emerging trends in academic libraries is to facilitate the management of research data for the benefit of researchers and institutions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of a library in offering such research data management services. The paper discusses the importance of research data, its preservation, organization, dissemination and critical role in the scholarly research life cycle. The authors attempt to provide a vivid description of Research Data Management (RDM) as a service and in the process review the existing literature on the topic in addition to the indicating the tools and technologies that could be adopted in successful RDM service implementation. The paper also is an attempt to share the experience of creating the Vikram Sarabhai Library’s research data repository that was developed by adopting the open source software - CKAN.Item Experimenting and Innovating with New Technology in Changing Environment(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Chandel, A STraces briefly the historical development of IT applications in libraries since 1980s along with the challenges of digital era. Emphasizes the need to restructure, improve and innovate library services in the context of changing library scenario. Suggests that libraries should be ever ready to change from one landscape to another as warranted and dictated by new technology. Concludes that libraries should give more importance to basics functions of libraries and evaluate them from time to time to find better methods and tools required for improved management of resourcesItem Cataloguing to Facilitate Big Data Analytics(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Singh, Manish Kumar; Singh, D K“Big Data” is the popular term used to denote the collection of large data sets possessed by multiple systems. The inherent characteristics of this Big Data are the difficulty in processing due to sheer scale and accessibility of data and also un manageability through a traditional Database Management System. The size of this data set is ever increasing with increasing pace and addition of multi-exabytes per day. Apart from these, big data normally comprise of heterogeneous dataset, both structured and unstructured and also containing diverse data and file formats. It is very difficult to locate and retrieve the relevant information in real time from the universe of big data. Librarians, coming out of the walled library, can be expected to contribute in this task with their expertise in information organization and management. In this paper various challenges to the big data are identified and to address the challenges mechanisms for creating big data catalogue have been identified. Various mechanisms are discussed and compared and it is proposed to use the technique of library classification and cataloguing to catalogue the datasets in the big data thereby facilitating the information retrieval in the universe of big data.Item Aligning Repository Networks and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Shearer, KathleenResearch is becoming increasingly international. Many of today’s greatest challenges such as climate change, poverty, and health are global in nature and must be addressed in collaborative ways by researchers across regional and disciplinary boundaries. In this environment, research infrastructure should be connected, networked and developed to reflect the evolving needs of the research community. COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) is an international organization with members from over 35 countries on 5 continents. COAR’s mission is to raise the visibility of research outputs through a global network of repositories. We are active on two levels: (1) At the practical level, we support communities of practice around areas of importance for our members mainly in terms of best practices, interoperability and monitoring trends in the repository landscape and (2) At the strategic level, we aim to facilitate greater alignment of regional and national repository networks around the globe. In March 2014, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) launched a major initiative to align repository networks across the world. The aim of the project is to establish a mechanism for ongoing dialogue between repository networks. Strategically, it will give the repository community a stronger global voice and raise the visibility of the role of repositories as critical research infrastructure. It will act as leverage for local initiatives and demonstrate that networks are aware of and operate consistently with international trends. At the practical level, this activity will allow repository networks to discuss and adopt best practices for metadata standards, vocabularies and services.Item Video Content Delivery: Red 5(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Modi, Darshan; Kumar, Abhishek; Tiwari, Sanjay KuamrIn modern era, E-learning has been emerged as the new learning approach that incorporates multimedia and other technologies. As a part of e-learning, video lectures recorded from classroom teaching includes the important content. This paper describes the process of implementing open source media streaming server for delivering e-learning video content. Server uses RTMP protocol for distribution of videos over web. With the use of RTMP protocol, streaming media server maintains the connection between the client& server and also preserves the client interaction with the video stream. The server can publish real-time data or a file in the server to the Web so that end users can view all the videos at anytime and anywhere over web, without being forced to be downloaded entirely. The paper contains the design of streaming server and how videos will be delivered to the end user.Item User’s Attitude towards Electronic Resources in IIT Libraries: An Evaluative Study(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Singh, O S Shekhar; Khan, MTMInformation Communication Technologies (ICT) have thrown forth new challenges before the library professionals. The technology has a great impact on the services of the libraries. In the present survey, an attempt has been made to explore usefulness of electronic resources and users skills in using various search methods and techniques to access and utilize e-resources in Indian Institutes of Technology Delhi, Kanpur and Roorkee, India. The study also aims to identify the level of satisfaction with the information accessed by users through the available e-resources. The study reveals that the majority of users are satisfied with availability of electronic resources that facilitates to support their academic, research and developmental activities. It has been observed that undergraduates in all the three institutes use blogs, social networking sites more than e-mail, whereas the post graduates prefer library websites and current e-journals over blogs, social sites and e-mail. Similarly research scholars prefer back volumes and current issued of e-journals, e-thesis. Majority of respondents use e-resources and access resources mainly through simple search techniques and methods such as title, author, subject classification and keywords.Item Standards and Good Practice of E- Learning and other E-Resources of the Libraries of Uttarakhand State: A Case Study(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Pandey, S N; Mangay, Ram; Bisht, Anuradha; Singh, SatpalThis paper provides an overview of the present status of the use of e-resources amongst library users of all universities and colleges of Uttarakhand state. In digital environment, all aspects of e-resources are progressively needful to every aspect of education from teaching and learning. Many colleges and universities in Uttarakhand are in the process of developing where as some are already developed. The research findings confirm the importance of e-resources to the colleges and universities of Uttarakhand state, as they are indulged to use daily by staff in all areas of their work & services. For effective management of libraries in present digital environment, the overall challenge today is very tedious and hectic. The standards& good practices inspired by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, today’s cyber technologists& information scientists can build up a quality world in the library profession through e-learning and uses of e-resources in Uttarakhand state as well as any other state of India. In this research paper, some especial type of problems about e-resources have been seen in all academic libraries of Uttarakhand state which creates very serious concerns to academicians and library professionals due to emerging digital environment and wide use of e-resources than conventional resources. This paper reveals the different practices of e-resources & e-learning. The research study is based on a range of parameters about using, learning, impact, awareness, status, reading habits, internet accessibilities, and availabilities at present done by many research scholars and analysis of their collected data through survey methodology. These analyses are concluding to a very different overview about innovative librarianship in modern digital era. Today, the electronic resources have changed number of facets of library services but in Uttarakhand state, it seems very poor and gloomy. To eliminate the issues causing this, paper suggests and indicates immediate implementation of e-learning standards and good practices, so that this state could move towards innovative librarianship as well as it may be equally applicable to other state.Item Social Science Cyber Library, An Attempt Towards E- Learning at Aligarh Muslim University(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Zehra, Ferheen; Munshi, Shamim AktarThe learning and teaching process has travelled far enough from the prehistoric times to reach the present information communication technology driven era. ICT, Internet, WWW all have contributed to this change, making society more information dependent thus giving rise to a knowledge society. E-learning as we know it today can be traced back to networked learning. E-learning implies learning and teaching by using ICT as a communications and delivery tool between individuals or groups. The digital library initiatives all over the world had set up a platform for e learning in the form of e-books, e-journals, subject gateways and the like. The ease of using all these formats and their subsequent approval by the user community is an indication that impact of e learning has been felt and that too positively. This paper is an effort to draw attention to the unique effort by the Faculty of Social Sciences at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh of setting up a Social Science Cyber Library encompassing all open access resources available in different formats ranging from e journals to video lectures on themes relating to social sciences at one place facilitating their visibility, use thus saving the time of the reader as emphasized by Ranganathan's laws of Library science. The present paper discusses the role the social science cyber library can play among the e learning generation. The paper draws on information available through google and the cyber library website regarding the change in the behaviour of teachers, students, libraries and library professionals transformation in education system especially the Higher Education Sector and analysing the impact this initiative can impose on the social scientist's community not only at AMU or in India but all around the globe.Item Online Open Courseware: A Pragmatic Approach to Democratise Education in India(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Rattan, Pardeep“The more one knows, the more one will be able to control events.” Francis Bacon. Massive Online Open Courseware is open and free course material available via internet which due to their reach beyond the barriers of space and time can be utilized as a tool to democratize education system in India. The National Mission on Education through ICT envisages the creation of such human resources which are capable of transforming Indian economy to knowledge economy with the integration of ICT in education which facilitates new content generation, connectivity and knowledge network, leading to critical thinking. The civilizations, economies, education, teaching methodologies and curricula continuously keep on evolving themselves through the prism of time. New opportunities for growth and overall development in the sectors of human index, education, jobs, industries, infrastructure, wealth creation and cultural amalgamation can only be fuelled through education and knowledge. Open courseware in India for her rich cultural diversities and uneven distributed population in terms of socio-economic-educational parameters can be the best option to plug such uneven gaps. The present paper overviews the open courseware initiatives under National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and also briefly discusses e PG Pathshala for their value addition in the present scenario of higher education in India.Item Need of Virtual Learning Environment for Educating Library & Information Science(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Arora, Dipti; Lihitkar, ShaliniWe learn things when we study but understood them when we do it practically. Slowly education system understood this need and many of the areas are revamped and new student centric and project based learning are introduced in the existing curriculum. With regard to the other fields, Library and information science (LIS) profession, its curriculum and learning approach should be transformed to new Information and communication technology (ICT) based style of teaching and learning. Virtual learning environment (VLE) is one of the best solutions to get quality out of the education and to produce more gen ready information specialist and not merely librarians. This paper endeavours to discuss the need of VLE in the present LIS education, its pros and cons and also some issues that one will face while implementing it for university, college, or any educational institute.Item Massive Open Online Courses:, Coursera.Com and NPTEL, A Comparative Study Based on Usage Statistics and Features with Special Reference to India(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Agrawal, Pratik; Kumar, Abhishek; Agrawal, AnkushInternet and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way we perceive education. ICT has major impact on recent evolving Education Technology field. Internet and smart phone users are growing at rapid pace in the world as well as India. Leveraging technologies to solve India’s higher education problem is the key. A massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions between students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). The present paper is an effort to analyse and compare two of the world’s most widely used MOOCs i.e. and with MHRD funded India’s own e-learning initiative NPTEL which provides open courseware to engineering students across the globe. This paper compares these three platforms of e-learning based on parameters like the usage statistics available, features, technology platform and other parameters like design approach to content etc. This paper is an effort to derive best practices from world class MOOCs and adapt them for India’s e-learning initiative NPTEL- a portal dedicated to technical e-contentItem Linking, Improving, Status, Career: Making in Library and Information Science MOOC(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Pathak, Deepshikha; Das, KrishnaObsolesce and depreciation of knowledge and skill is a major issue in any Professional Occupation and more particularly in our Profession as “Information” is the central theme in our field. The paper have highlighted some loopholes in this Profession with special reference to North-East India why it’s a different situation leading to the trend of Missing Out Librarianship. Is LISC MOOC the solution to save ourselves from Missing Out Librarianship and Knowledge and Skill obsolesce and depreciation and if so then what should be the model for developing the same.Item Impact of E-learning on Achievement Motivation and Academic Performance - A Case Study of College Students in Sikkim(INFLIBNET Centre, 2015-03-12) Kumar, Neeraj; Bajpai, R PGlobalization of society is connected to remarkable development in Information technology and global networking has given birth to e-learning phenomena, which broadness our horizons of traditional learning and creates opportunities for all stakeholders in the teaching and learning process. This study focused on the impact of e-learning on achievement motivation and academic performance. E-learning has been revealed in this study a positive impact on achievement motivation and academic performance contrary to the expectations of this study. The paper also examines the data for the presence of interaction effects of e-learning study on male, female and socio-economic characteristics. It is concluded that in order to improve motivational effectiveness and academic achievement, higher education should consider aiming to develop e-learning strategies that encourage greater engagement and also take into consideration the different learning styles found within the student body.
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