PLANNER-2012 Gangtok, Sikkim

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    Web 2.0 and Library 2.0: A Survey of the University Libraries in NE India
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Hazarika, Tilak
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    Tagging and Social Bookmarking: Tools of Library Services in Digital Era
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Deka, Naba Jyoti; Deka, Dipen
    In the web 2.0 environments, Tagging and social bookmarking play a major role in knowledge organization and management in the field of library services. Bookmarking tools like delicious, twitter, flickr, connotea, etc are very popular and useful regarding the use of internet and web resources in a systematic and scientific way. It integrates and accurate the unlimited data and explosive information over internet and World Wide Web in a very controlled manner. This paper explains the various aspects of tagging and social bookmarking and the practical experiences in modern library services in the digital era.
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    Academic Libraries in the Participatory Age
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusan
    Libraries are moving into a transitional state i.e. traditional library service and integration of current ICT to facilitate the services. Since the inception of libraries, libraries are trying to develop their collection in order to satisfy the need of their users. It is not possible for the librarians’ to provide all desired information to their users so they depend on other libraries for the information. The Library cooperation started with the participatory culture. The library professionals cooperate each other’s through various ways like inter library loan, consultancies etc. Online catalogs, hightech campus information networks, and accelerated resource sharing present opportunities for building comprehensive information centers. The present paper discusses the participative management, team work, ICT, Library building etc among library professionals as well as the user community. The library 2.0 technologies are helpful for collaborating in information creation, storage and retrieval. The library staff needs to be more dynamic in their approach to learn the current technology and leadership skills.
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    The Role of University Archive for Managing Archival Materials: A Case Study of University of North Bengal
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Mistri, Shubhrangshu Kumar
    This paper gives a brief introduction about the archive and university archive. It also discusses the objectives, policies to be frame out, users’ category, and collection of archival material. By using ICT infrastructure and latest technology, archival materials are to be stored, organized, and preserved in digital format and made available to its end users for searching and browsing by introducing open source software, DSpace. It shows a comparison between university archive and institutional repositories for the purpose of developing a repositories or archives. It also gives some experiences for implementation of university archive at University of North Bengal.
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    Status of ICT and Internet Literacy for Accessing to E-Resources Available under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium : A Case Study
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Sinha, Manoj Kumar
    The present study has been undertaken with a view to know the status of ICT and Internet Literacy amongst the Assam University Library Users for accessing to E- Resources available under UGCINFONET Digital Library consortium. The faculty, research scholars and students are mainly drawn from different parts of North Eastern States and few from other parts of the country which represent truly cosmopolitan population. The present work was carried out during July to August 2008. For that purpose, survey method has been adopted, which comprises of administration of questionnaire, observation of the participants, and interview of some of the participants for knowing the opinion of the respondents in respect of usage of Internet for their day-to-day activities and status of access to e-journals for their academic and research activities. The self designed questionnaire comprising of 20 questions has been distributed amongst the randomly selected 480 samples. out of which 324 respondents have responded. The present investigation is delimited to the randomly selected population of Assam University Library Users who are regularly visiting Assam University Library and using the Internet for accessing to the eresources / web resources available under the UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortia of INFLIBNET/ UGC. On the basis of filled up questionnaire received from the respondents, data has been analysed and tabulated using SPSS Software. For data analysis percentage technique, has been adopted. Due to paucity of space important results findings have been enumerated in brief. The paper highlights the important survey findings in respect of ICT and Internet Literacy, Eresources use pattern and attitude of library users towards the electronic resources, which have been made available to them under UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium. Besides this, some suggestions and recommendations have also been enumerated in brief.
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    Transformation of Reference Service to Digital Reference Service: Scholars Review in Context of Present IT Environment
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Singha, Anuradha; Sabhapandit, Tonmay
    Reference and Information services are the most important and indispensable component of modern library system. Internet has introduced new modes of communication and has extended the scope of reference service to Digital Reference services to the users across the world. The academic library reference service is undergoing a traditional to web based transition period. Modern reference service is committed to render a client focused service to end users. This paper highlights the emerging formats and models of modern reference service. Based on the literature review and practical experience of us, new research directions are suggested, in which user, paraprofessionals as well as librarians various interventions are integrated. An attempt has been made through this article to notify the significance of Digital reference Services as well as web based reference service in present IT environment and suggests the criteria for Planning and implementing Digital Reference Services in libraries. This article highlights various issues related to digital reference service and its application aspects, also examines the various needs before its implications.
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    Treasure of Electronic Resource and its Management System at Central Library, IIT, Kharagpur: A Preview
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Mrityunjoy De; Chand Saha, Nimai; Ghosh, Sanjib; Pal, Nirmalendu
    We all know that the technology sector is in the top preference of the authority and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur is considered as one of the remarkable outcome. The central library of IIT, Kharagpur has carrying out valuable role to impart education by equipping with the latest changes of the technology in the library field. Now, electronic resources are the essential part of the collection of any libraries and hence the management of e-resources is the main challenge to the library professionals. The present paper is an attempt to explore the access facilities of e-resource, electronic resource management systems and the present practice followed by the central library,IIT, Kharagpur for its successful dissemination among the users to meet their requirements.
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    Research Output by the Faculties of School of Human and Environmental Sciences, Manipur University: A Study
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Bobby, Phuritsabam; Memori, Sagolsem; Purnima, Devi; Devi, Naorem Mandakini
    The present study identifies the various Research works, achievement and contributed of the faculty members of School of Human and Environmental Sciences. This work is to harvest the role of different faculties o the Human an Environmental sciences in bringing globalization by using different types of research in interdisciplinary with art, culture and social sciences. It also help to know that they are implementing new educational policing for enhancing the spirit of learning in which both efforts and imagination play a vital role. Department of Earth Science has highest numbers of Research activities and followed by Department of Geography, Department of Anthropology and Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences
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    Use of Online Resources Among the Students of Science & Technology Libraries of Guwahati: A Study
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Karmakar, Gouri Sankar; Choudhury, Nisangka; Goswami, Pallab
    The online resources are the emerging information systems and services in every discipline and becoming more and more popular particularly in science & technology disciplines. This paper tries to evaluate the use of online resources among the science & technology students of selected libraries of Guwahati and examines the problems in accessing the online resources, student’s level of satisfaction, frequency of use and various aspects of online resources.
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    Relevance of Open Access Journals in Library Services
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Lallaisangzuali, Sailo
    This paper discusses the general background and basic concepts of open access, as well as its current developments. It also discusses the open access journal portals, platforms for open access journals, its management and the impact it had on libraries. Despite the challenges raised against open access, open access has become a significant movement that libraries cannot ignore. Libraries need to address both advocacy issues as well as objections in order to assess the contributions of open access to the institutions
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    Achieving Knowledge Management Through Cloud Computing
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) M R Rawtani
    In era of knowledge based economy and globalization of world economy, a new opportunity has been emerged as a management issue within the spectrum of information management, information technology, artificial intelligence, expert system, semantic web, neural network, cognitive sciences, mathematics and management theory, economics and recently Cloud Computing. This study tries to give a different perspective of the cloud application through a knowledge management perspective and its structure in the cloud computing environment. In recent years, there has been a great hype about cloud computing and different books and literature reviews have classified different types of cloud with various definitions and criteria focusing on mainly three different layers of services being infrastructure, platform and software. The benefit of cloud computing is supply of services anytime, anywhere device-agnostic access. This paper provides a metaobservation over an integrated cloud ecosystem through the knowledge window. Achieving Knowledge Management through Cloud Computing has expanded new insights, vision and practices. This article critically evaluates ways to achieve knowledge management though cloud computing.
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    Prospects of Using Digital Collections in NEIST Library: An Evaluation
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Nitupan, Sarmah; Singh, Sanjay Kumar; Himadri, Devi
    Digital environment has changed the scenario of the library. It becomes the backbone of the modern library. This paper discusses the overview of the digital collection in the NEIST (North East Institute of Science and Technology) Library. It covers about digital collections, its types, beneficiary points regarding the digital collections, and the criteria for the growth of digital collection. It also highlights how the digital collection in NEIST Library is becoming a solution in providing latest information in science and technology through e-journal of CSIR Consortium. The last part of the paper covers the evaluation of the digital environment of the library and its prospects.
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    Application of Smart Card Technology in The University of Mumbai Library to Monitor User Behaviour, Library Traffic, Library Planning, Physical Security and Managing E-purse for Cashless Transactions
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Raja, Nalini A
    This paper is aimed at conducting pilot study for implementation of Smart Card Technology for access control to safeguard both physical and intellectual property; and cashless transaction at photocopying centre. The reports are compiled to monitor user behaviour, library traffic and actual use of library resources. The reports are reviewed for effective and efficient collection development, weeding out and library planning policies. SOUL 2.0 software is used for computerizing the library in-house activities. Smart card technology is integrated with SOUL 2.0 software for assigning the user rights as per their credentials for providing various services.
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    Best Practices with NAAC in College Libraries of Nalbari District, Assam
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Ahmed, Merina; Pal, Birender
    The twenty first century creates a new environment for education in general and higher education in particular. The progress of any country is strongly linked with the quality of education. However, with mushrooming of educational institutions in all parts of the country and several types of economic activities dominating the landscape, the issue of quality has now assumed a critical dimension. College libraries play an indispensable role in the dissemination of information of knowledge,they should be in a position to provide effective teaching learning information support to its user’s communities. Libraries are one of the important components of the assessment through which an impact on the accreditation of the institute is related. To meet the end user’s demands effectively, they need to identify and adopt good practices. NAAC has decided to identify the set of best practices in Library and Information Services, with the help of a few case presentations from few selected libraries of the accredited Universities and Colleges. This paper shows a clear picture about the developments of college libraries of Nalbari district(Assam) after NAAC’s evaluation. It gives the status of best practices followed by the surveyed libraries.
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    Open Access Journals and its Repositories in the Web
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Kalita, Gitasree; Kalita, Kishore
    This paper discusses the general background and basic concepts of open access resources specially open access e-journals, its different as well as its current developments. The paper also offers a constructive critique management of open access journals in the web. Open access journals have become a significant movement that libraries cannot be ignored. Libraries need to address both advocacy issues as well as objections in order to assess the contributions of open access resources to the institutions.
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    Cloud Computing for Libraries: A SWOT Analysis
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Pandya, Miteshkumar
    This paper provides brief information on cloud computing and its application for libraries. Adoption of cloud computing is not an easy task for Indian libraries. This paper provides some basic idea to choose evaluate Cloud service for the library. The advantages, disadvantages and features needs to be seriously considered before putting data on the cloud. The paper also describes its merits and demerits on the principle of SWOT analysis.
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    Library as Facilitators for Teaching Learning Process in Govt. Hrangbana College
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Lalchatuana
    Human being needed learning and education throughout his life. Right from birth to death, we learn new things which come to our live. We need guidance; we need facilities to perform in order to reach our target. Modern Education is Library oriented education and research based principle. The teachers should actively engage their students in using the library as a kind of laboratory of learning “how to manage their own education”. (1) The library must be taken as an extension of the class-room and expected from the students to use it intelligently in preparation for discussions in class, seminar reports and papers. Students and other Library users may not know the system practice in the Library. What documents available in the library and what facilities the library provides to the user will be discuss in this paper. In addition to this, providing facilities to the faculty inside and outside the library, facilities providing to students for their career development choke out also discussed.
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    Institutional Repository With Special Reference to Initiatives of Mizoram University
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Lalremsiami
    Academic libraries have special responsibilities and challenges to face in preparing for and participating in the transition. It is an accepted fact that information technology has the potential to bring substantial improvements to higher education and scholarly communication. To achieve such improvements, the willingness and zeal of the library professionals to take new responsibilities is crucial. Over the past several decades, the economic, market and technological foundations that sustained the symbiotic publisher-library market relationship have begun to shift. The paper discusses the concept of Institutional Repository (IR), its benefits, various types of software, trends with special reference to the initiatives of Mizoram University.
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    Institutional Repositories of India: A Comparative Study of North-Eastern Hill University with Other Universities
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Passah, Pansngiat
    The Institutional Repositories are one of the burning questions in this digital era. It is a means through which intellectual contribution are brought to light and make accessible to all through the web. This paper attempts to list out the institutional repositories of the universities in India. A comparison has been made with the institutional repository of North-Eastern Hill University. The paper highlights the important parameters such as size, collection type, subjects, language etc. which plays an important role in evaluating a repository.
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    Institutional Repositories: The Prospects and Challenges in Indian Digital Library Environment
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 2012-03-03) Nahak, Brundaban; Nahak, Sanjukta
    The information evolution leads to the flood of publication. User needs are also rapidly growing. They have to read more journals, require more information but the prices have increased faster than library budget. So to cope up the situation and meet the user requirement the institutional repositories has been emerged. In the age of ICT, the concept of institutional repository has arisen, which have become very essential mode of accessing and sharing the information. Information is always considered the root cause for the development of any society/community. Intuitional Repositories are digital collections of the outputs created within a university or research institution. This paper discussed about growth of IR in India and also global scenario of IRs. This paper is a consideration of some of the important aspects related with IRs. It also explores the trends at global and national level of IR. The present paper also discusses about some important software, which is being used by IR of various organizations world wide and described objective, definitions, content, use, features, design, advantages, key components, issues and challenges, etc. IR consists of formally organized and managed collections of digital content generated by the faculty, staff and students of an institution. IR enhance the visibility of the research outputs locally produced. The paper concludes with the remarks that the LIS professionals need to have more active and responsible for generation and maintenance of IR systems efficiently and effectively. Librarian is the focal point, the IR system as he plays a role of designer as well as service provider.