CALIBER 1998 : Bhubaneswar

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Jointly organised by Information and Library Network Centre, Ahmedabad Department of Library & Information Science, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar -751 004


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    Databases in Indian Languages:Some Issues
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Raghavan, K.S.; Chandrakumar, V.
    Not much progress has been made in India regarding machine readable databases containing records of materials in Indian languages in the languages and scripts of the items. Major projects that have been initiated or completed include i) machine readable version of the National Bibliography of Literature, ii) Tamil collection of the Roja Muthiah Research Library in Chennai and iii) collection of the library of the Deptt. of Indology of EFEO. Discussions regarding the use of Indian language scripts in the designing of language databases are made by citing the provisions of different codes and standards. Based on the experience gained in a project for the creation of multi-script database, the authors describe some issues related to multilingual databases, multilingual thesaurus, compatibility between different languages and provide few suggestions. There is a need for developing multilingual thesaurus in Indian languages to facilitate indexing and searching of materials available in Indian languages and scripts.
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    Resource Sharing and an Appraisal of Library Networks in Developing Library Collection
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Sinha, Biswajit; Choudhury, Ashok k.
    The collection building in a library is a primary activity, the rest of all being secondary as these are directed towards making the collection more accessible. Several factors compel the libraries to go for resource sharing for building their collections. Networking is one of the most effective ways of sharing the resources among a group of libraries / information centres, to provide maximum service to the users. The authors have listed several reasons why the libraries should go for networking of resources. In the context of collection development, networking facilitates cultivation of specialized areas, cooperative storage, electronic publications, and rationalisation of documents. Networking facilities have totally revolutionised the methodology of resource sharing and its impact is now being greatly felt.
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    Newspapers:Place and Treatment in University Libraries-A Study at Tirupati
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Padmini, K.
    Newspapers are still on the top serving their users as primary sources of information. By interviewing five university librarians of Tirupati with a structured questionnaire, the author has reported the findings of the survey regarding newspaper selection, language-wise subscription, acquisition of foreign newspapers, preservation, space and furniture, discarding, microfilming, indexing of newspapers in the libraries along with few suggestions. Specific areas of research for future are identified.
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    Collection Development and Resource Sharing- A Reexamination
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Rajeswari, D.
    Taking into account the objectives and resources available. every library has to evolve a pragmatic and positive approach for developing its collection to meet the information needs of its users. The problems encounted by the libraries in India for this. however. are shrinking budgets. rare and out of print books. and lack of comprehensive and up-to-date tools for non-book materials. The author describes the efforts made by INFLIBNET in the area of library networking and resource sharing and concludes that the collection building and resources sharing using sophisticated technology will take some time to set in
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    Internet in the University Envionment
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Raju, P.Soma
    INTERNET is a network of several millions of computers all over the world and aims to deliver data / information from one place to another through communication networks. The services of the INTERNET can be availed through shell system or SLIP system depending on the communication facilities. The author mentions several navigational tools with which the user can locate, browse, retrieve, transfer, and download information from several 'databases in the Internet. The universities may take the advantges of the various web-based information sources available in the Internet for their academic community. The sources are E-mail, E-journals, content pages of journals, pre-print services, technical reports, library catalogues and campus wide Information services (CWIS). Universities in India can provide information related to their activities, programmes etc. by creating their own home pages in the INTERNET.
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    Collection Development in the Academic Libraries in the Context of Library Networks and Internet
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Selvi, G. Thamarai
    Electronic publications and the networking technologies enable the academic libraries to overcome various information problems and to access and provide relevant information to the users. The electronic media like CD-ROM, Online databases, electronic journals and newsletters, multimedia packages, Email and fax media, teletext and videotext etc. play significant roles in collection development activities in the academic libraries. The author describes how these electronic media can be accessed through the INTERNET and establish resource sharing facilities among the libraries and information centres of various countries in the world. The emphasis in the libraries have been shifted from collections of books and journals to the networked information services provided through modern technologies like CD-ROM networks and INTERNET. For collection development activities, the libraries are required to adopt these technologies.
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    Collection Development in Internet Era
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) R., Lakshmi; Suma, P.
    Collection development is the process of identifying the strength and weakness of the collections of library materials in terms of patron needs and community resources and attempting to correct existing weakness, if any. One has to cross many hurdles created by IT for developing the collection. A well framed Collection Development Policy (CDP) is of great help in guiding all these activities. The authors have described the means of use of Internet and Push Technology facilities for an effective collection development in the libraries by mentioning different search engines and URLs. Advantages and disadvantages of Internet and Push Technology are provided. Internet can be used for identifying different sources of information, can also be used from ordering to collection of information. Lists of selected Library and Information Science journals and different reference sources available on Net are appended.
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    Search Engines : Tools For Exploring The Internet
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Dasgupta, Swapan Kumar
    A software package for searching a particular information or topic from the vast amount of information available in INTERNET is called a search engine. The common search engines are Altavista. Webcrawler, Yahoo, Lycos, Infoseek, Aliweb. The author provides a list of search engines in INTERNET covering wide areas of interest and then brief description of URLs. After mentioning about the role of the INFLIBNET in modemising the university libraries and in improving the on-line access by creating its web page, the author says that in order to improve upon the education and research infrastructure of the country. some changes are necessary in our present thinking and approach.
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    Use of INTERNET Through NICNET in RMRC Library
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Sahoo, Banamer
    A software package for searching a particular information or topic from the vast amount of information available in INTERNET is called a search engine. The common search engines are Altavista. Webcrawler, Yahoo, Lycos, Infoseek, Aliweb. The author provides a list of search engines in INTERNET covering wide areas of interest and then brief description of URLs. After mentioning about the role of the INFLIBNET in modemising the university libraries and in improving the on-line access by creating its web page, the author says that in order to improve upon the education and research infrastructure of the country. some changes are necessary in our present thinking and approach
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    Information resources on the Internet its selection and organisation
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) K.R., Rajeev; K., Binu
    Internet contains a large amount of information resources from all fields. The many utilities on Internet such as Evmail , USENET, OPACs, electronic publications etc., are very much useful to libraries in providing information services to users. The authors describe the alternative ways of organising information about the information on the Net i.e. information about relevant sites, in ones' own computer to search, locate and disseminate the relevant information in time. They suggest that to take the full advantage of INTERNET potential, the librarians need to become more knowledgeable about the options available and they need to develop special skills to use new tools and facilities.
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    Cyberspace and Internet - Indian Context
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Singh, Gurdev; Gupta, Vijaykumar
    Cyberspace is not wires, cable and microwave, but it is an experience, in which computers and their contexts are available to users of any participating computers, anywhere in the world. It can be viewed under two main divisions: external cyberspace and internal cyberspace. External cyberspace is the vast collection of data and expertise available in the world outside, through electronic networks i.e. Internet and databases. Internet comprises thousands of networks lying allover the globe in different countries which can communicate with each other using Internet protocol. The authors describe the Internet connectivities in India through YSNL, DOT and DOE, by mentioning the types. Internet succeeded in' the U.S. because there is a systematic and sustained growth in interlinked networks of computers, whereas in India such interlink is not achieved so far.
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    Internet : Features and Usefulness
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Bagmee, Sarangi
    Today computers play a major role for communicating information by networking with one another worldwide. The connection between any two computers of any part of the world irrespective of their physical distance is possible through the network. like INTERNET which is a worldwide network of computer networks. The author provides the background and usefulness of INTERNET. describes the mode of using and its features like Esmail, FrP. Telnet, Gopher. Archie. WWW and Veronica. INTERNET today is perhaps the most revolutionary information management vehicle of the century.
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    Collection Development and Organisation of Electronic Publications in Academic and Research Libraries
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Kittur, K.N.
    The availability of new technologies, high speed processing, improved disk space to store large volume of data at a lower price encouraged the growth of variety of publications in machine readable forms i.e. the electronic publications. The author discusses the types and selection of such publications available on floppy diskette, CD-ROMs. portable hard disks. Major types of electronic publications useful to academic and research libraries are: databases; educational softwares; electronic textbooks, reference tools, knowledgebases, multimedia, clinical decision aids and practice management softwares, full texts (journals) and computer literacy and productivity softwares. The softwares can be public domain softwares, sharewares and commercially produced softwares. Selection criteria of softwares along with the names of software selection tools and sources are provided. Preparation of software for use i.e. testing and installation, shelving I storing, use instructions. technical processing and security are discussed. The author hopes that India can be one of the major producers and exporters of electronic publications in the world.
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    Collection Development in the Context of Library Networks
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) S., Bhaumik
    Collection Development (CD) involves the regular addition of information sources in-print and in other forms and weeding out of outdated materials. For developing a good collection, each library has to cooperate with other libraries through Resource Sharing (RS), library cooperatives, etc. The author discusses about the effects of CD-ROM, Networks, Resource sharing, co-operatives etc. on CD and suggests that cooperative Collection Development (CCD) provides benefits to users and information staff. INTERNET, its facilities and types, its implementation in library service are also discussed. INTERNET with its distinctive software and services is trying to provide the right information to the right person at the right time, through the right way
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    Collection Development in the Context of Library Networks
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Reddy, E. Rama
    In the recent years, the libraries need to focus their attention towards developing electronic documents selectively and access to electronic information sources using network facilities. Selection of electronic sources for collection development activities is to be done based on certain criteria i.e. reputation of authors. publishers and products, context. format features, access methods, storage and licensing agreements. The author provides strategies for libraries to get into networks and resource sharing trends. The present era is more conducive to the resource sharing and use of financial resources effectively. The concept of ownership need to be replaced with sharing the resources for mutual benefit.
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    Total Quality Management : Application to Libraries and Information systems
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Meera, B.M.
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is a people-focused management system that aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower real cost. It is not a tool in itself, but simple and useful tools and techniques of Statistical Process Control (SPC) form an essential part of TQM exercises. Of various tools and techniques, the author has described three, i.e. Process flow diagram, Pareto diagram and Cause-effect diagram, mentioning about their applications and advantages in management of libraries and information centres. These three techniques are simple in approach and application. There are other techniques of TQM, which can also be used in library environment but needs statistical computations.
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    Understanding the Essentials of Total Quality Management (TQM) for Library and Information Management in Academic Settings
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Dabas, K.C.; Gill, N.S.
    TQM is a holistic and systems approach aimed at satisfying the customer requirements on a continual basis by involving everyone in the system, and at a lower cost. It has three basic principles: i) customer driven instead of generator driven, ii) focus on processes rather than be preoccupied with results, and iii) total involvement of staff. The authors have enumerated the characteristics of TQM. In the changing information environment, the academic libraries have to adopt TQM for their survival. Benifits of TQM for academic libraries and barriers for its implementation are also provided. Quality is a very important tool for application of TQM in academic libraries which can be measured, managed and improved by measuring rod of customer satisfaction.
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    Total Quality Management of University Libraries in India
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Rout, R.K.
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is a system of continuous improvement employing participative management and centred on the needs of customers. TQM principles are yet to be applied in the libraries of India. It involves management responsibility, personnel and material sources and a quality system structure. The author discusses how the Quality Circle. a new approach to library management, can be adopted to achieve success in the library operations and programmes. Implementation of TQM in the university libraries is discussed and a TQM-MODEL is suggested to bring a total quality approach for a customer-focused library. TQM aims at introducing a new cultural change which is likely to bring about greater participation of the employees in information management activities in the university libraries.
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    Awareness and Use of Digital Collection by Scientists
    (INFLIBNET Centre, 1998-03-04) Sahu, J.R.; Seth, M.K.; Ramesh, D.B
    By considering the opinion of the scientists as the best means of evaluation of the collections of a library. the authors have conducted a survey of the opinion of the scientists of the Regional Research Laboratory. Bhubaneswar in order to find out the budget allocation on electronic publications, use of CD-ROM databases and preferences of computerised library services like on-line. CD-ROM and INTERNET services for their research purposes. For effective management of information. the library administration should take into consideration the opinion of the scientists and provide E-mail and INTERNET based services to the users. In order to have sharing of resources. the authors have suggested a network of libraries and information centres in the city of Bhubaneswar.
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    Utkal University Library Services Towards Research Scholars : An Analysis
    (INFLIBNET Center, 1998-03-04) Jena, Puspanjali
    The central library of the Utkal University. known as the Parija Library. has a good collection of books, journals, back volumes, palmleaf and paper manuscripts for use. To assess the quality of library services to its research scholars, the author has conducted an opinion survey of a sample of 23 research scholars with the help of a structured questionnaire. The findings of the survey deal with the convenience of working days of the library; use of the library by the scholars; library collections and helpfulness of the staff; usefulness of the library services. The scholars in general possessed a negative opinion towards the usefulness of the library services.
All data, views, opinions etc. being published are the sole responsibility of the authors. Neither the publishers nor the editors in anyway are responsible for them.