CALIBER 2008 Allahabad

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    Present Status of Browsing E-Journals by Science Scholars: A Case Study of Visva-Bharati University
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Saha, Nimai Chand; Nandi, Subodh Gopal; Ghosh, Koushik
    This study attempts to find out the familiarity, popularity and utility of E-journals to the science scholars of Visva-Bharati, a central University. In view of this the paper tries to highlight the present position of Visva-Bharati University Library, UGC-Infonet E-journals consortium approach on the one side and on the other side the thinking and satisfaction of the science scholars about the using ejournals to their respective research area. Finally, on the basis of the findings follows the data analysis and interpretation which are collected through the questionnaire cum interview method, the paper provide some suggestion for the uplift of the present e-journal status of the library of this University as a whole.
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    Use of Electronic Information Sources by the Academic Community: A Comparative Study
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Kumar, G T; Kumar, B T Sampath
    Electronic Information Sources are becoming more and more popular since they provide multimedia information, full-text searching, reference linking and flexibility in searching and browsing. The purpose of this study was to determine how academic community in various professional colleges uses the electronic information sources for work-related purposes. A total of 300 survey returns indicate that students and faculty use the electronic information in support of their study and teaching. Although majority of students and faulty generally feel that the electronic information sources provide faster and reliable information still they prefer to use print as well as electronic information sources.
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    Information Literacy Program for Social Sciences
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Majumdar, S; Singh, Rajesh
    Defines Information Literacy and introduces the need of Information Literacy Program (ILP) in academic libraries. Deliberates the objectives of ILP in Delhi University Library System (DULS). Describes the methodology adopted to conduct ILP in DULS for Social Sciences. Explains the presentations as vital tool to conduct ILP. Analyzes the feed back of the audience shows that such programs are very essential to reap the full benefit of ICT, Internet and other digital resources.
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    Effectiveness of UGC-Infonet A Case Study of Jaipur Centre
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Gupta, Kamal Kant; Gupta, P K; Rawtani, M R
    Mention about e-journal consortium. Assess the use of UGC-Infonet at Rajasthan University, Jaipur; Conclude to implement the opinions and suggestions of the users for improving the system.
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    The Webometrics
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Goswami, Prashant; Sharma, Umesh; Shukla, Anil Kumar
    It has been experienced that web based information resources have great role to play in academic and research activities. Keeping this fact in view information professionals are largely depending upon the web based information resources. A huge amount of data in every subject stream is available on different websites. But problem is only one that how to retrieve desired information. Many attempts were made and solution comes as ‘webometrics’. In this paper an attempt has been made to describe this concept.
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    Use of Electronic Journals in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad: A Case Study
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Golwal, Madan D; Sonwane, Shashank; Vaishnav, Ashwini
    The Paper attempts to deal with usage of E-journal by the PG students and Research Scholars of the Faculty of Sciences of the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.
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    Online Journals and Databases: A Study of Use and Awareness among Academics at Main Library, I.T., B.H.U.
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Upadhyay, Navin; Chakraborty, Hirak Kanti
    Remote access to online catalogues and bibliographic data bases has altered library use patterns over the past decade. Library statistics shows fewer patrons entering the library as more resources become available online and patrons given access from their desktops. This paper descries the use of online journals and databases and their awareness among researchers of IT-BHU. In this case study, a survey was conducted using questionnaire, to collect the data. This paper examines the researcher’s awareness and use of online journals and databases available through UGCinfonet, INDEST and university library. Finally, it highlights the suggestions given by the user’s for improvement of online resources.
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    Usage of Internet by Students and Research Scholars of Karnatak University Library: A Survey
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Mulimani, Mallikarjun N; Gudimani, Suresh B
    In the IT era, academic libraries and information centers have radically changed the information environment. Higher education institutions started subscribing to electronic resources to meet the user’s requirements and expectation. The main aim of this survey is to understand student’s usage of Internet and computer technology, their experience with technology and their aptitudes and expectation about technology resources and identify areas for improvement of services. The paper discusses the impact of Internet in Karnatak University Library.
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    E-Learning in LIS Education: Case Study of SHPT School of Library Science
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Bhabal, Jyoti
    The article discusses briefly e-learning in LIS and focuses on e-learning at SHPT School of Library Science. It discusses the syllabus, teaching and assessment practices used to train library science students. The school’s aim is to make aware and train the students in latest technologies useful for library science profession, so that they can enter in the today’s job market confidently and apply their professional and technological knowledge effectively and efficiently.
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    Use of INDEST and UGC-INFONET E-Journal Consortia: A Comparative Analysis
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Nisha, Faizu; P M, Naushad Ali; Ara, Tabassum
    The present study explains about INDEST-AICTE Consortium of MHRD and UGC-Infonet Consortium of INFLIBNET, UGC. It examines use of consortium by users of IIT (D) and Delhi University. The study was conducted on a sample of users of IIT (Delhi) and DU. A total number of 120 questionnaires were distributed among the users of IIT (D) and DU libraries, respectively, in the month of December ‘2007’.50 filled in questionnaire were received from IIT (D) users and 50 from DU users. Out of 100 only 90 were chosen for analysis of data and 10 questionnaires were rejected because of incomplete response from the respondents. The results have indicated that majority of users are aware about INDEST and UGC-Infonet Consortia at IIT, Delhi and Delhi University. Most of the users access e-journals and databases through INDEST and UGCInfonet consortia. Slow downloading, lack of maintenance, lack of training, lack of infrastructure and language etc. are the major problems that would discourage users for accessing resources on INDEST and UGC-Infonet. At the end, some suggestions have been provided for enhancing the use of resources available at INDEST and UGC-Infonet.
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    Use of Online journals : A Study of Science Faculty and Research Scholars in the Kashmir University
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Hashim, Tabasum; Rashid, Abdul
    The study surveyed a randomly chosen sample from a population of 272 in eight scientific disciplines in the University of Kashmir. The survey sought to determine use of online journals. Print versions are also used wherever both versions are available
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    Enabling Electronic Resource Access for Distance Learners
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Tripathi, Manorama; Jeevan, V K J
    Distance Education is gaining lot of prominence in the country due to various socio-economic parameters and the rising demand for education. The country has got a very comprehensive Distance Learning system comprising a national open university, 12 state open universities and 127 directorates of distance education attached to campus universities. The Indira Gandhi National Open University operates through a three-tier system having University Headquarters at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi; 64 Regional Centres in various States and 1621 Study Centres scattered all over the country. Library and Documentation Division (L&DD) is a hierarchical system with the Central Library at the Headquarters followed by branch libraries located at Regional Centres and Study Centres. To provide equitable information access to distance learners at par with the current national initiatives for campus based learners, the Library is working to form a library consortium, NODLINET (National Open and Distance Learners’ Library Network) for distance learning institutions as the network of national Open University, state Open Universities and directorates of distance education in campus universities in the country. Distance learning Libraries should concentrate on fulfilling the information needs and requirements of distance learners by exploring modern information technologies, developing library networks and negotiating with information providers to strike better learner friendly licensing and access models. The paper discusses the different barriers in providing electronic resources and services to the distance learners and arrives at viable suggestions for overcoming the same.
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    A Comparative Study of Google and Yahoo Web Resources on the Search term “Physics India”
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Mohanty, Rasmita; Chudamani, K S
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    Metadata Harvesting Tools and Services in Digital Era: A Guide for Professionals
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Naidu, G H S; Rajput, Prabhat Singh
    The paper gives a comprehensive idea about metadata. Describes definition, need and categories. Explains DC and MARC metadata standards and its elements. Discuses the different type of metadata and their functions. Metadata harvester provides indexes or harvests metadata, from different open archives and open access journals. The study attempts to know Open Access Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and available Harvesting services in India.
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    Use of UGC-Infonet Digital Library Consortium Resources: Its Impact on University Libraries of Karnataka.
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) B K, Vishala; Bhandi, M K
    The recent developments in Information Technology changed the world scenario. Libraries and Information Centres have embraced the new information technology more profoundly than many other fields and most of them are currently using electronic products and services. IT offers tremendous opportunities to provide solutions to some of the major challenges now libraries are facing. Electronic Publishing or e-publishing is an important media of the new Information Technology. Nowadays the majority of publishers are interested in publishing their documents in electronic format. Electronic journals are attracting readers’ attention in todays networked environment. In this environment these e-journals open up many exciting opportunities and have already brought a revolutionary transition in library philosophy. These are one of the main vehicles used by researchers for scholarly communication. UGC InfoNet, e-journals consortium programme is an innovative scheme implemented in India in the year 2004 to access scholarly journals in general university environment. A survey has been conducted among the librarians of universities of Karnataka and opinions were sought regarding the impact of using e-journals offered through the UGC-InfoNet e-journals consortium project. The paper highlights the results of the survey.
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    Use and Accessibility of E-Journals by Ph.D Students in University of Luck Now: A Survey
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Gupta, Vibha
    The impact of Information Technology is seen as industrial revolution. The impact of IT has been so dominant that it has affected everyone be it economy, political, social and individuals at large. Information is a fundamental resource for social development and the progress of society. During the passage of years the mode of accessing information has changed. Technology in its broad sense is the main factor determining the development of information. Information is increasingly becoming a commodity and is viewed as something to be bought and sold. The explosive growth of information proliferation of literature and specialization of subject has compelled libraries to share their resources.
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    Unicode Based Multilingual Catalogue Module: A New Feature of SOUL
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Vaghela, Divyakant; Rayka, Dinesh L; Patel, Yatrik; Chandrakar, Rajesh
    The INFLIBNET Centre has SOUL software developed for the automation and management of the Indian academic libraries, which has presence across the country in around 1500 libraries. INFLIBNET Centre being a nodal agency for Indian universities and keeping in view the requirement of the modernization of the their libraries with ICT facilities, Centre has developed this software and made available to the libraries in the nominal cost. With the development of the technology and the requirement changes of the library with the technology, it was due for the INFLIBNET Centre to make some necessary changes with the SOUL software. This paper introduces the new catalogue module of the SOUL software with the very new features such as MARC21, Unicode and MARCXML etc abreast with the new applications of the ICT. The Centre happily announces the new name of the SOUL software from the “Software for University Libraries” to the “Software for Library Automation and Management”.
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    Use of E-Resources and UGC-Infonet Consortium by the Teachers and Research Scholars in Manipur University
    (INFLIBNET Center, 2008-02-28) Veenapani, S; Singh, Khomdon; Devi, Rebika
    It mentions about UGC–INFONET Consortium. It highlights the objectives, scopes and methodology of the study. The paper deals with the usages of UGC-INFONET Consortium by the teachers and Research Scholars of Manipur University .Analyses the findings of the study in the tabular form. It concludes with some suitable suggestion for further improvement of the system.
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    Total Quality Management in Libraries - A Perspective Approach
    (Inflibnet center, 2008-02-28) Dash, Jyotirmoy
    The paper highlights about the importance of total quality management in libraries. It is an view that the condition which challenged in libraries of Total Quality Management are very much prevalent here. It is not, however, clear if library managers are effecting the necessary changes to satisfy their clients. In the face of these challenges it is now time for libraries to exhibit that they are valuable to the continued survival and sustenance of their organizations. This can be done best by activity management. Therefore, it is a “system of continuous improvement employing participative management centered on the needs of customers”. Key components of TQM are employee involvement and training, problem solving teams, statistical methods, long term goals and thinking and recognition that the system, not people produces inefficiencies. It is a systematic process, which focuses on understanding customer needs and improving customer services.